Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Symptoms of Insomnia



Insomnia can lead to physical and emotional exhaustion and hurt productivity . While those with younger age experience occasional insomnia , a sleep disorder disproportionately affects the elderly people . Insomnia itself is not a disease, but symptoms of underlying physical, mental , or environmental .

You have trouble sleeping ( insomnia ) ? . The body becomes less fresh , decreased stamina , and impact on daily routine . What causes people to have trouble sleeping and how to solve it ?
We may never have trouble sleeping , a lot is known as insomnia . But this disorder is usually temporary, but it will be a big problem if not addressed immediately . 

Everyone has different sleep needs . Some people simply just sleep for 4-5 hours every night , there is even a minimal need 8 hours of sleep a night . Insomnia is related not because you're too old to sleep but more importantly how the quality of your sleep , if you sleep good quality for sure you will not have insomnia or difficulty sleeping .

The symptoms of insomnia :

1 . It is difficult to start a long sleep and could not close my eyes .
2 . Asleep easily but wake up too early and can not fall back asleep .
3 . Often awakened in the middle of the night so often sleepy during the day .
Causes of Insomnia :
1 . Stress at home or work
2 . Lifestyle changes , such as moving house .
3 . Noisy environment so uncomfortable to sleep
4 . Disease that causes pain , shortness of breath or frequent urination
5 . age
6 . Anxiety and depression
7 . tense

Insomnia and how to overcome the things that need to be done :


1 . Try to sleep at the same time every night
2 . Make sure the bed was comfortable and the room temperature to your preference
3 . Do not think of the problems of everyday life , set aside your problems .
4 . Moderate exercise in the afternoon can help , but do not do it at bedtime .
5 . Avoid drinking coffee , alcohol , or smoking before bed .
6 . Avoid the habit of napping
7 . If you still can not sleep , do not just lie down. Waking up to read a book , listen to soft music , drinking warm milk , and then try to sleep again .
8 . If the place every night and disrupt everyday activities , contact your doctor .
9 . do not be too late in the problem
10 . try to refresh your brain in order to avoid burdening the mind - mind your life and make it difficult to sleep

If you run into a whole thing like the point above or feel that you are suffering from insomnia themselves , take action immediately diagnoses the nearest health center or call your doctor . This is because a proper diagnosis is needed to find out , if you are really people with insomnia . Evaluation may include a physical examination , medical history , and a history of sleep quality as well quantity .  
Accurately diagnose insomnia which can be done only medical professionals .
Tip : If the insomnia is very annoying and affects your daily activities , it's best to consult with your doctor . Treatment will be done in order to help you avoid more serious symptoms and problems associated with the sleep disorder . lack of sleep may be a sign and symptoms associated with other health problems . the correct analysis the doctor can find and treat the problem.


Insomnia Medicine


Treatment of insomnia depends on the cause and severity of insomnia .


Parents who experience sleep changes as we age , usually do not require treatment , because these changes are normal .
Insomniacs should remain calm and relaxing few hours before bedtime and create a comfortable atmosphere in the bedroom ; dim light and not noisy .
If the cause is emotional stress , given drugs to reduce stress . Ifthe cause is depression , given anti - depression.If you sleep disorders associated with abnormal activity of the patient and the patient was healthy , could be given medication to sleep for a while. Anotheralternative to overcome insomnia without drugs are the therapeutic hypnosis or hypnotherapy .
Treatment for mild insomnia can usually be prevented or cured by doing or adopting good sleep habits . If insomnia is very disturbing and makes it difficult to sleep , your doctor may prescribe sleeping pills best to solve your problem . Follow the rules and your doctor's instructions , avoid using sleeping pills for insomnia in excess, because these drugs may have undesirable side effects from time to time .


Natural Supplements for Insomnia


Melatonin is a hormone produced in the pineal gland ( a small gland located in the brain ) , usually begins in mid- or late at night and in the morning subsided . It helps regulate sleep and wake cycles .
People taking melatonin to overcome jet lag ( extreme fatigue and other effects are felt by a person after a long journey across time differences ) and insomnia . He was supposed to take melatonin man with the doctor's instructions .
Melatonin may also help the immune function . However , melatonin have side effects such as feeling dazed during the day , lower body temperature , and dream in the waking state .
Valerian root is a kind of herb that has been used for centuries to relieve anxiety and evoke a sense of sleepiness . Insomniacs need to eat right before bed . Valerian root is used within a period of two to four weeks if suffering from chronic insomnia .
Possibility of side effects of valerian root include mild headache or indigestion , abnormal heartbeat , insomnia and even occurs in some people . Unfortunately , valerian root smells like sweaty socks


Traditional Chinese Medicine


According to the theory of Chinese medicine , insomnia is the result of an imbalance of Qi ( energy ) , which involves various organs and meridian systems . Organ and meridian systems are commonly involved in chronic insomnia are the heart , liver , kidney , and spleen .
Patients with chronic insomnia may have different types of Qi imbalance or problems with a variety of organ systems and meridians .
That said, patients with chronic insomnia may have different types of Qi imbalance or problems with a variety of organ systems and meridians . Therefore , they can suffer from clinical symptoms are different and need to be treated appropriately .
Herlina , women aged 40 years who has a sleep disorder and often wake up at 2 am . Difficult for him to go back to sleep . Occasionally he also suffered from migraine headaches , pain in the whole body , heartburn , pain is felt before menstruation . He complained that irritable mood and have a bitter taste in his mouth chronic .
According to Chinese medicine , Herlina liver Qi stagnation and accumulation of heat that affects the liver and heart . After getting about 30 sessions of acupuncture treatment and herbal medicines that are tailored to his condition for three months , Herlina finally able to sleep through the night without sleeping pills .
Marry morgan , women aged 50 years who began to suffer from insomnia after menopause . She felt anxious , irritable , and feel hot all the time . Sometimes pouring sweat profusely at night .
Mary also suffered from lower back pain , and his heart beat fast with frequent palpitations . Maria suffered a " kidney yin deficiency " and has lost control over the " heart of fire " . Acupuncture treatment and herbal medicine focused on charging against " kidney yin energy " and remove heat in the heart meridian .
As a result, improved sleep , as well as to his mood , hot flashes ( feelings of intense heat followed by rapid heartbeat sweating ) , and night sweats .
Jimmy was 35 years old , working in a company full of pressure and demanding extra hours in the evenings and weekends . He is very concerned about work and family . He had trouble sleeping and wake up repeatedly throughout the night . His muscles ached , and she was having trouble losing weight . He looked pale and tired . He felt the dizziness and heart palpitations .
Jimmy was diagnosed " spleen qi " and " heart blood deficiency . " Therefore , acupuncture and herbal medicine designed to improve the " spleen qi " and " heart blood " . He also had to change the food and working hours .
Traditional Chinese medicine has a different view of all people who suffer from chronic insomnia . Best treatment will be evaluated by a physician experienced traditional Chinese medicine and follow a series of faithfully .

Most women suffer from insomnia


Nearly 80 % of pregnant women experience sleep disturbances , in addition to decreased hormone production , as well as emotionally unstable disturbance factor , and even physical disorders such as : nausea , palpitations , fatigue , anxiety and depression .
When at the age of 9 months of pregnancy , women usually would wake up in the middle of the night , when the diligent exercise of course this will be reduced , because the smooth blood circulation . There's even a muscle spasm disorders , it will be reduced for those who like to exercise at least 30 minutes , 4 times a week .
Quality of food also has an influence , pregnant women are advised to pay attention to these things , restrict the air pungent seasoning foods such as spicy , fried and fatty acids that will interfere with digestion .
Insomnia in their early 40s

Herbal plants that can cope with Insomnia


Maybe we rarely hear the name Chamomile , but we 'll recognize it when you see the shape . These plants include herbs are efficacious overcome abdominal pain ,  and difficulty sleeping ( insomnia ) . By the way brewed with hot water and used as a herbal tea drink , sleep function to soothe nerves

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