Friday, November 15, 2013

Natural remedies for constipation

Remedies for constipation

You have constipation ?

Natural remedies for constipation besides utilizing pineapple , carrots , can also be addressed by other means .

 Senna marilandica - Leaf - southern wild senna is natural remedies for constipation


(Senna leaf) remedies for constipation
( Senna marilandica - Leaf - southern wild senna ) leaf senna has ingredients anthraquinone derivatives and active glucosides , can therefore be used as a laxative . So this senna leaves can be used as a herbal ingredient for treating constipation . Senna leaf serves to accelerate digestion in the gut with its content of sennoside compounds . With the result that the volume can be increased digestion and bowel movements pristalktik also increased , in addition, senna leaves can also serve as a solvent toxins .

Angustifolia or senna leaves grow in tropical Arabia, North Africa and Indonesia. The senna leaf has benefits for the treatment , as a herbal medicine . Senna leaf contains as sennoside , anthraquinon , hidroksian thrasean , glikodisa dianthrone , naftalene glycosides .

To remedies constipation can also tuber potato leaves as much as 60 grams , then boiled with water , boiled water is drunk while warm potato tubers and leaves that have been boiled potato tubers can be eaten last .
The next day , use the remaining water to moisten the scalp with a massage evenly and leave it for a while, then rinse . Do regularly 3 times a week .

Papaya and pineapple for remedies constipation


Papaya & Pineapple for constipation
Rinse fruit papaya 300 grams , 200 grams of pineapple half cooked , then mashed in a blender , add 200 mL of water .
Usage: Drink once. Alternatively, the material eaten as fresh fruit .

Eat ripe papaya , about 150 grams .
Eat regularly 2 times a day . This will cure your constipation !


Aloevera leaves for constipation

Aloevera (Constipation)
100 grams of aloevera leaves which have been peeled and cut into small slices , boiled with 200 ml of water to the boil , then add 1 tablespoon of honey .
Usage : Drinking warm and eat leaves crocodile tongues . Apply 2 times a day .
10 grams of powder meeting buffoonery brewed with 200 ml of warm water and drink .
Usage : 2 times a day regularly .

Above methods is the solution natural remedies for constipation ! ... Hopefully useful .

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Constipation remedies


Constipation remedies

Constipation which I know is A disorder of the digestive system where a person ( or possibly also in animals ) experienced hardening of stool ( feces must be disposed of ) excessive so it is difficult to be disposed or released can then cause pain to the sufferer . Constipation is great enough also called obstipation . And obstipation severe enough can cause colon cancer is fatal to the sufferer .

Constipation usually is only temporary . Lifestyle changes coupled with a proper diet , which contains lots of fiber and nutrients are able to overcome this .

There are many factors that cause constipation . One is from food . If we eat too many foods that contain fat arbitrarily and not balanced with exercise , then we can be affected by constipation .
Signs and symptoms of constipation include:
• Bowel movement fewer than three times a week
• Difficult defecation
• Pressure on the stomach torture when the movement of the intestine
• A feeling of blockage in the rectum
• Feelings are not finished after defecation

Certain foods can cause constipation because it causes bowel movements become irregular or stalled . So as not to be bothered with the affairs of constipation , it helps reduce or avoid foods causes constipation .

Ice cream Constipation remedies

Ice cream is almost nil fibers so it can help regulate your bowel movements . Plus , all of the sugar content in the milk and ice cream can act as a binder is hardened feces .

Bananas Constipation remedies

Banana is a ' binder ' classic . These foods may tamp dirt and eat too many bananas can cause constipation .

Red Meat Constipation remedies

Red meat is hard to digest and has a lot of iron . Iron is the substance that makes hardening of feces , making it dark and black . That's why red meat is not good for people prone to constipation though rich in fiber .

Hence it is that you are not affected by constipation

Eat berries such as strawberry , raspberry , blueberry , until Blackberry because the fruit contains a high amount of fiber yet low in calories . Fiber is useful to prevent constipation . In addition to full- fiber , berries are also rich in antioxidants .
Nuts such as walnuts , almonds , and peanuts are rich in fiber . Handful of peanuts every day will help you in the fight against constipation .
Wheat bread is rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates but low in fat . Whole wheat bread as a breakfast menu that you become healthy digestion .
Treatment and relief of constipation naturally can be done by changing your diet, exercising regularly , drinking lots of water , get used to defecate every day to make a bowel movement schedule called bowel training

You are more likely to experience constipation if :

• Parents
• Sitting position continuously
• Stay in bed ( when going to the maternity )
• Eat foods low in fiber
• Lack of fluid
• Use of certain medications , including sedatives , narcotics or certain medications to lower blood pressure
• Moderate to undergo chemotherapy

Women more constipation than men and children more often than adults experience constipation .

If you are pregnant , you may be constipated because of hormonal changes . After birth , the pressure in the intestines of the enlarged uterus can also cause constipation .
Treatment Method

If you already suffer from constipation , some traditional recipes can help you treat constipation .

Many methods we can use to treat constipation , and one way to treat constipation that I recommend is the traditional way . Constipation or difficult bowel movements can be cured by using traditional ingredients as follows :

Carrots. A pinch of salt, 2 tablespoons cooking water and 2 carrots. Furthermore in the grated carrots, give 2 tablespoons of boiled water. Then squeeze and add a little salt, stir evenly and drink 2 times a day.

Pineapple. Pineapple can also be used as a drug, which is about 3 large pineapple. Continue to dispose of the pineapple skin, then wash and grate. After that in the squeeze to take water. Drink 2 times a day, drink ½ cup each time.

• Then from fragrant pandan leaves . The trick fragrant pandan leaves until finely ground and give ½ cup water . Squeeze, strain , feed salt and palm sugar are also input . Stir until smooth . Then after dinner drink .

I hope you recover soon constipation