Friday, November 15, 2013

Natural remedies for constipation

Remedies for constipation

You have constipation ?

Natural remedies for constipation besides utilizing pineapple , carrots , can also be addressed by other means .

 Senna marilandica - Leaf - southern wild senna is natural remedies for constipation


(Senna leaf) remedies for constipation
( Senna marilandica - Leaf - southern wild senna ) leaf senna has ingredients anthraquinone derivatives and active glucosides , can therefore be used as a laxative . So this senna leaves can be used as a herbal ingredient for treating constipation . Senna leaf serves to accelerate digestion in the gut with its content of sennoside compounds . With the result that the volume can be increased digestion and bowel movements pristalktik also increased , in addition, senna leaves can also serve as a solvent toxins .

Angustifolia or senna leaves grow in tropical Arabia, North Africa and Indonesia. The senna leaf has benefits for the treatment , as a herbal medicine . Senna leaf contains as sennoside , anthraquinon , hidroksian thrasean , glikodisa dianthrone , naftalene glycosides .

To remedies constipation can also tuber potato leaves as much as 60 grams , then boiled with water , boiled water is drunk while warm potato tubers and leaves that have been boiled potato tubers can be eaten last .
The next day , use the remaining water to moisten the scalp with a massage evenly and leave it for a while, then rinse . Do regularly 3 times a week .

Papaya and pineapple for remedies constipation


Papaya & Pineapple for constipation
Rinse fruit papaya 300 grams , 200 grams of pineapple half cooked , then mashed in a blender , add 200 mL of water .
Usage: Drink once. Alternatively, the material eaten as fresh fruit .

Eat ripe papaya , about 150 grams .
Eat regularly 2 times a day . This will cure your constipation !


Aloevera leaves for constipation

Aloevera (Constipation)
100 grams of aloevera leaves which have been peeled and cut into small slices , boiled with 200 ml of water to the boil , then add 1 tablespoon of honey .
Usage : Drinking warm and eat leaves crocodile tongues . Apply 2 times a day .
10 grams of powder meeting buffoonery brewed with 200 ml of warm water and drink .
Usage : 2 times a day regularly .

Above methods is the solution natural remedies for constipation ! ... Hopefully useful .

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Constipation remedies


Constipation remedies

Constipation which I know is A disorder of the digestive system where a person ( or possibly also in animals ) experienced hardening of stool ( feces must be disposed of ) excessive so it is difficult to be disposed or released can then cause pain to the sufferer . Constipation is great enough also called obstipation . And obstipation severe enough can cause colon cancer is fatal to the sufferer .

Constipation usually is only temporary . Lifestyle changes coupled with a proper diet , which contains lots of fiber and nutrients are able to overcome this .

There are many factors that cause constipation . One is from food . If we eat too many foods that contain fat arbitrarily and not balanced with exercise , then we can be affected by constipation .
Signs and symptoms of constipation include:
• Bowel movement fewer than three times a week
• Difficult defecation
• Pressure on the stomach torture when the movement of the intestine
• A feeling of blockage in the rectum
• Feelings are not finished after defecation

Certain foods can cause constipation because it causes bowel movements become irregular or stalled . So as not to be bothered with the affairs of constipation , it helps reduce or avoid foods causes constipation .

Ice cream Constipation remedies

Ice cream is almost nil fibers so it can help regulate your bowel movements . Plus , all of the sugar content in the milk and ice cream can act as a binder is hardened feces .

Bananas Constipation remedies

Banana is a ' binder ' classic . These foods may tamp dirt and eat too many bananas can cause constipation .

Red Meat Constipation remedies

Red meat is hard to digest and has a lot of iron . Iron is the substance that makes hardening of feces , making it dark and black . That's why red meat is not good for people prone to constipation though rich in fiber .

Hence it is that you are not affected by constipation

Eat berries such as strawberry , raspberry , blueberry , until Blackberry because the fruit contains a high amount of fiber yet low in calories . Fiber is useful to prevent constipation . In addition to full- fiber , berries are also rich in antioxidants .
Nuts such as walnuts , almonds , and peanuts are rich in fiber . Handful of peanuts every day will help you in the fight against constipation .
Wheat bread is rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates but low in fat . Whole wheat bread as a breakfast menu that you become healthy digestion .
Treatment and relief of constipation naturally can be done by changing your diet, exercising regularly , drinking lots of water , get used to defecate every day to make a bowel movement schedule called bowel training

You are more likely to experience constipation if :

• Parents
• Sitting position continuously
• Stay in bed ( when going to the maternity )
• Eat foods low in fiber
• Lack of fluid
• Use of certain medications , including sedatives , narcotics or certain medications to lower blood pressure
• Moderate to undergo chemotherapy

Women more constipation than men and children more often than adults experience constipation .

If you are pregnant , you may be constipated because of hormonal changes . After birth , the pressure in the intestines of the enlarged uterus can also cause constipation .
Treatment Method

If you already suffer from constipation , some traditional recipes can help you treat constipation .

Many methods we can use to treat constipation , and one way to treat constipation that I recommend is the traditional way . Constipation or difficult bowel movements can be cured by using traditional ingredients as follows :

Carrots. A pinch of salt, 2 tablespoons cooking water and 2 carrots. Furthermore in the grated carrots, give 2 tablespoons of boiled water. Then squeeze and add a little salt, stir evenly and drink 2 times a day.

Pineapple. Pineapple can also be used as a drug, which is about 3 large pineapple. Continue to dispose of the pineapple skin, then wash and grate. After that in the squeeze to take water. Drink 2 times a day, drink ½ cup each time.

• Then from fragrant pandan leaves . The trick fragrant pandan leaves until finely ground and give ½ cup water . Squeeze, strain , feed salt and palm sugar are also input . Stir until smooth . Then after dinner drink .

I hope you recover soon constipation

Friday, October 25, 2013

Causes of Insomnia

Causes of insomnia and herbs for insomnia

Causes of insomnia can be caused by several things, including diseases like this can cause insomnia:

1. Chronic pain can cause insomnia 

Patients with chronic diseases, sleep disorders often occur, particularly if the pain cause pain. Pain due to chronic illness can suddenly awaken the sufferer at night or during the day. Not easy to treat pain from chronic diseases. If this happens, immediately consult a doctor who handle your illness. Ask for pain medication that is safe and does not cause side effects to the disease being suffered.

2 . Diabetes can also cause insomnia.

Diabetes is a health condition that can cause insomnia because of other symptoms . Diabetes makes sufferers to urinate frequently . This is what often makes diabetics awake at night . It's good to pee before bed . And , avoid too much to drink before bed .

3 . Mental disorders and depression cause insomnia.

Mental disorders , such as anxiety and depression are common causes of insomnia . This will create a sense of fear , and not to interfere with restful sleep . In fact , making us unable to sleep . Do a little stretching and circulation set breath . Calm your mind by listening to music. This will make the body more relaxed and eases the process of sleep .

4 . Decrease or acid indigestion can cause insomnia.

GERD is one of the most common digestive disorder occurs . This disorder can make the heart or chest burn. The acid production peak time at 22:00 to 02:00 . To avoid this , it is better to avoid eating too close to bedtime . The problem is , if the acid causes the body to burn it difficult to sleep can attack you .

5 . The drugs can also cause insomnia.

Medical condition may not cause insomnia . However , the drugs are consumed instead give effect to your bedroom activities . Some medications can give them sleepy . But some are actually making the body as excellent without drowsiness . Consult with your doctor regarding this issue . Do not let insomnia due to the effects of drugs actually exacerbate your illness .

Herbs for insomnia

Nutmeg and spinach as a herbal remedy for insomnia , for generations has been going on for hundreds of years . The oldest literature written by J. Mevrouw Kloppenburg - Versteegh , a Dutch woman . He wrote based on what is observed and heard from people around, and that has been practiced alone . Third impression that the book was published in 1912 , titled Werken en Raadgevingen betreffende gebruik van het Indische Planten , Vruchten enz ( Ways and Advice Regarding the Use of Indonesian Plants , Fruits, etc. ) . The literature also mentions other materials which have medicinal properties insomnia is Cabe puyang (Java Long Pepper)

Nutmeg fruit ( myrista fragrans )

Flowers and nutmeg ( myrista fragrans ) , add the sugar and water to taste . Boil flowers and nutmeg to a boil , then strain, add sugar to taste , herbs ready to be drunk .

Drinking rules

Drink herb flowers and nutmeg , 2x a day , morning and evening before bed , do it regularly .
Shy daughter ( Mimosa pudica Linn . )

Provide 1 root boxing shy daughter ( Mimosa pudica Linn . ) 4 cups of water and boil until the first wash water to 1 cup , after a cold drink before bed .

 Lavendulifolia leucas

Take some Lavendulifolia leucas, Sleeve plants and leaves , then boiled . Can be mixed with honey and drink before bed .


Calery also has long been used in Indonesia and in other parts of the world as a drug used to treat insomnia . The longest record of celery , efficacy has been felt by the ancient Egyptians ( BC times ) . As disclosed Adriana Suwono of HERBACARE , compared with spinach and nutmeg , celery is not directly used to relieve insomnia . More Celery has a calming effect and reduce high blood .


Kale serves as a trigger drowsiness . Nutmeg really is not that cause drowsiness such as kale , but made ​​a good sleep . Meanwhile , celery role stabilize blood pressure . In everyday life , kale and celery commonly consumed in the form of vegetables , while the nutmeg in the form of candy or syrup . Adriana added , to achieve the desired effect , dosage plays an important role .

As we all know , times of stress , a person's blood pressure is usually unstable . Well , celery serves to stabilize ( not lower ) blood pressure . Combined the three materials , namely spinach , nutmeg , and celery , mixed by Dr . J. Sidhajatra Suwono , about 30 years ago , proved to effectively address the problem sleeplessness and high blood pressure stabilizes .

Eating celery mixed with a few pieces of carrot , potato , chicken , meatballs , of course would be different if we specifically boil celery , kale , and nutmeg to cure insomnia . The stew is a simple extract . Boil with say 5 cups of water until the remaining 1.5 cups , that's the extract .

The third extract these materials can be used as decoction or juice . If you suffer from sleep disorders ( insomnia ) , try this triad . Guaranteed you 'll be able to sleep soundly .

Kale and celery can be eaten as a vegetable , while the nutmeg can be made syrup or candied . These three ingredients can be mixed to overcome sleep disorders .

How do I ? free measuring , for example, each 1 handful of spinach leaves and wet celery and nutmeg to taste . In the dry form , weighing approximately 3-10 grams , warm over low heat for 2-3 hours , then drink boiled water .


Rinse and two handfuls of kale that has cleared the shaft bottom , two handfuls of celery , and nutmeg to taste . Heat three cups of water to boiling . Next enter the three ingredients and wait until the water glass. You can add a teaspoon of honey if liked . Drink this mixture after dinner or before bed .


Rinse a handful of fresh spinach that has been cleaned rods underneath , a handheld celery , and nutmeg to taste . The three materials are put into a blender filled one and a half cups of water. Once blended , you can filter it and add a teaspoon of honey or milk to taste that much sweeter . If you want more fresh , add an ice cube . Drink after dinner or just before bed .

Hope you get better soon insomnia ! ! ! with herbs for insomnia

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Symptoms of Insomnia



Insomnia can lead to physical and emotional exhaustion and hurt productivity . While those with younger age experience occasional insomnia , a sleep disorder disproportionately affects the elderly people . Insomnia itself is not a disease, but symptoms of underlying physical, mental , or environmental .

You have trouble sleeping ( insomnia ) ? . The body becomes less fresh , decreased stamina , and impact on daily routine . What causes people to have trouble sleeping and how to solve it ?
We may never have trouble sleeping , a lot is known as insomnia . But this disorder is usually temporary, but it will be a big problem if not addressed immediately . 

Everyone has different sleep needs . Some people simply just sleep for 4-5 hours every night , there is even a minimal need 8 hours of sleep a night . Insomnia is related not because you're too old to sleep but more importantly how the quality of your sleep , if you sleep good quality for sure you will not have insomnia or difficulty sleeping .

The symptoms of insomnia :

1 . It is difficult to start a long sleep and could not close my eyes .
2 . Asleep easily but wake up too early and can not fall back asleep .
3 . Often awakened in the middle of the night so often sleepy during the day .
Causes of Insomnia :
1 . Stress at home or work
2 . Lifestyle changes , such as moving house .
3 . Noisy environment so uncomfortable to sleep
4 . Disease that causes pain , shortness of breath or frequent urination
5 . age
6 . Anxiety and depression
7 . tense

Insomnia and how to overcome the things that need to be done :


1 . Try to sleep at the same time every night
2 . Make sure the bed was comfortable and the room temperature to your preference
3 . Do not think of the problems of everyday life , set aside your problems .
4 . Moderate exercise in the afternoon can help , but do not do it at bedtime .
5 . Avoid drinking coffee , alcohol , or smoking before bed .
6 . Avoid the habit of napping
7 . If you still can not sleep , do not just lie down. Waking up to read a book , listen to soft music , drinking warm milk , and then try to sleep again .
8 . If the place every night and disrupt everyday activities , contact your doctor .
9 . do not be too late in the problem
10 . try to refresh your brain in order to avoid burdening the mind - mind your life and make it difficult to sleep

If you run into a whole thing like the point above or feel that you are suffering from insomnia themselves , take action immediately diagnoses the nearest health center or call your doctor . This is because a proper diagnosis is needed to find out , if you are really people with insomnia . Evaluation may include a physical examination , medical history , and a history of sleep quality as well quantity .  
Accurately diagnose insomnia which can be done only medical professionals .
Tip : If the insomnia is very annoying and affects your daily activities , it's best to consult with your doctor . Treatment will be done in order to help you avoid more serious symptoms and problems associated with the sleep disorder . lack of sleep may be a sign and symptoms associated with other health problems . the correct analysis the doctor can find and treat the problem.


Insomnia Medicine


Treatment of insomnia depends on the cause and severity of insomnia .


Parents who experience sleep changes as we age , usually do not require treatment , because these changes are normal .
Insomniacs should remain calm and relaxing few hours before bedtime and create a comfortable atmosphere in the bedroom ; dim light and not noisy .
If the cause is emotional stress , given drugs to reduce stress . Ifthe cause is depression , given anti - depression.If you sleep disorders associated with abnormal activity of the patient and the patient was healthy , could be given medication to sleep for a while. Anotheralternative to overcome insomnia without drugs are the therapeutic hypnosis or hypnotherapy .
Treatment for mild insomnia can usually be prevented or cured by doing or adopting good sleep habits . If insomnia is very disturbing and makes it difficult to sleep , your doctor may prescribe sleeping pills best to solve your problem . Follow the rules and your doctor's instructions , avoid using sleeping pills for insomnia in excess, because these drugs may have undesirable side effects from time to time .


Natural Supplements for Insomnia


Melatonin is a hormone produced in the pineal gland ( a small gland located in the brain ) , usually begins in mid- or late at night and in the morning subsided . It helps regulate sleep and wake cycles .
People taking melatonin to overcome jet lag ( extreme fatigue and other effects are felt by a person after a long journey across time differences ) and insomnia . He was supposed to take melatonin man with the doctor's instructions .
Melatonin may also help the immune function . However , melatonin have side effects such as feeling dazed during the day , lower body temperature , and dream in the waking state .
Valerian root is a kind of herb that has been used for centuries to relieve anxiety and evoke a sense of sleepiness . Insomniacs need to eat right before bed . Valerian root is used within a period of two to four weeks if suffering from chronic insomnia .
Possibility of side effects of valerian root include mild headache or indigestion , abnormal heartbeat , insomnia and even occurs in some people . Unfortunately , valerian root smells like sweaty socks


Traditional Chinese Medicine


According to the theory of Chinese medicine , insomnia is the result of an imbalance of Qi ( energy ) , which involves various organs and meridian systems . Organ and meridian systems are commonly involved in chronic insomnia are the heart , liver , kidney , and spleen .
Patients with chronic insomnia may have different types of Qi imbalance or problems with a variety of organ systems and meridians .
That said, patients with chronic insomnia may have different types of Qi imbalance or problems with a variety of organ systems and meridians . Therefore , they can suffer from clinical symptoms are different and need to be treated appropriately .
Herlina , women aged 40 years who has a sleep disorder and often wake up at 2 am . Difficult for him to go back to sleep . Occasionally he also suffered from migraine headaches , pain in the whole body , heartburn , pain is felt before menstruation . He complained that irritable mood and have a bitter taste in his mouth chronic .
According to Chinese medicine , Herlina liver Qi stagnation and accumulation of heat that affects the liver and heart . After getting about 30 sessions of acupuncture treatment and herbal medicines that are tailored to his condition for three months , Herlina finally able to sleep through the night without sleeping pills .
Marry morgan , women aged 50 years who began to suffer from insomnia after menopause . She felt anxious , irritable , and feel hot all the time . Sometimes pouring sweat profusely at night .
Mary also suffered from lower back pain , and his heart beat fast with frequent palpitations . Maria suffered a " kidney yin deficiency " and has lost control over the " heart of fire " . Acupuncture treatment and herbal medicine focused on charging against " kidney yin energy " and remove heat in the heart meridian .
As a result, improved sleep , as well as to his mood , hot flashes ( feelings of intense heat followed by rapid heartbeat sweating ) , and night sweats .
Jimmy was 35 years old , working in a company full of pressure and demanding extra hours in the evenings and weekends . He is very concerned about work and family . He had trouble sleeping and wake up repeatedly throughout the night . His muscles ached , and she was having trouble losing weight . He looked pale and tired . He felt the dizziness and heart palpitations .
Jimmy was diagnosed " spleen qi " and " heart blood deficiency . " Therefore , acupuncture and herbal medicine designed to improve the " spleen qi " and " heart blood " . He also had to change the food and working hours .
Traditional Chinese medicine has a different view of all people who suffer from chronic insomnia . Best treatment will be evaluated by a physician experienced traditional Chinese medicine and follow a series of faithfully .

Most women suffer from insomnia


Nearly 80 % of pregnant women experience sleep disturbances , in addition to decreased hormone production , as well as emotionally unstable disturbance factor , and even physical disorders such as : nausea , palpitations , fatigue , anxiety and depression .
When at the age of 9 months of pregnancy , women usually would wake up in the middle of the night , when the diligent exercise of course this will be reduced , because the smooth blood circulation . There's even a muscle spasm disorders , it will be reduced for those who like to exercise at least 30 minutes , 4 times a week .
Quality of food also has an influence , pregnant women are advised to pay attention to these things , restrict the air pungent seasoning foods such as spicy , fried and fatty acids that will interfere with digestion .
Insomnia in their early 40s

Herbal plants that can cope with Insomnia


Maybe we rarely hear the name Chamomile , but we 'll recognize it when you see the shape . These plants include herbs are efficacious overcome abdominal pain ,  and difficulty sleeping ( insomnia ) . By the way brewed with hot water and used as a herbal tea drink , sleep function to soothe nerves